Special accommodations
Special accommodations

special accommodations
  1. #Special accommodations how to
  2. #Special accommodations registration
special accommodations

If your child's request is approved, his or her admission ticket will note "Extended Time," and he or she will be assigned to an extended time room at the testing center.

#Special accommodations registration

Extended Time National Testing: To apply for this type of accommodation, your child must submit an Application for ACT Extended Time National Testing (completed and signed by a school official) and the required documentation with his or her registration folder postmarked by the test date registration deadline.

special accommodations

Visit the ACT website for more information about requesting Standard Time National Testing with Accommodations. If your child's request is approved, ACT will arrange for the accommodations with your child's test center.

  • Standard Time National Testing with Accommodations: To apply for this type of accommodation, your child must submit his or her written request (detailing specific information) with his or her paper registration folder postmarked by the test date registration deadline.
  • How Does My Child Apply for Accommodations? Special Testing accommodations include: receiving more than 50% extended time, receiving extended time only on writing tests, testing over multiple days, alternate test formats (Braille, audio DVDs, readers, computers, scribes), etc.
  • Special Testing: If your child requires testing accommodations that can not be accommodated at a regularly scheduled national test center, your child should apply for this type of accommodation.
  • Students approved for this type of accommodation will have up to 5 hours for the ACT without Writing and up to 6 hours for the ACT with Writing (including breaks) to work through the test sections at their own pace.
  • Extended Time National Testing: If your child requires testing accommodations and can test at a regularly scheduled national test center using either a regular type (10-pt.) or large type (18-pt.) test booklet but needs up to 50% more testing time, your child should apply for this type of accommodation.
  • Some examples of this type of accommodation include: a large type test booklet, a wheelchair-accessible room, permission to mark answers in the test booklet rather than on the answer sheet, a sign language interpreter, etc.
  • Standard Time National Testing with Accommodations: If your child requires testing accommodations and can test at a regularly scheduled national test center with standard time limits using either a regular type (10-pt.) or large type (18-pt.) test booklet, your child should apply for this type of accommodation.
  • special accommodations

    What Types of Accommodations Are Available? Additionally, students requesting accommodations cannot attempt standby testing because a testing center must make advance arrangements for the accommodations. Note that students requesting accommodations for the first time cannot register online. Visit the ACT website to view the ACT's documentation requirements for requesting testing accommodations. Additionally, in most cases, the student must currently receive and utilize accommodations in school. In order to receive accommodations, a student must have a professionally diagnosed and documented disability.

    #Special accommodations how to

    Here's what you need to know about ACT accommodations and how to request them. If your child has a diagnosed physical, mental, sensory, or learning disability, he or she may be eligible for ACT testing accommodations.

    Special accommodations