La musica anni 80
La musica anni 80

la musica anni 80

Whitney screamed in a clear, sweet and pure way she was the expression of the Golden Age, so perfect that even desperate screams sounded cleaned from every scratch. Her screams weren’t Janis Joplin’s scratchy, damned exciting ones expressing 1970s fights and hard times. She was incredibly beautiful, tall, black, and she “screamed” in tune, in the best possible way.

la musica anni 80

Whitney Houston made us jump and sing aloud, and in our dreams we had a voice like hers. They saw Simon Le Bon’s refined beauty… maybe also a little bit of femininity or if we want to overstate it, we might say homosexuality… and even so, it wouldn’t have done anyone any harm, at all! And what about men…? They learnt to be romantic from George Michael, to be thoughtful and sensitive from Michael Jackson. They listened to how they could behave to avoid being overwhelmed by their men. Young women started to learn, also thanks to music, how their future could be. In 1986 Aretha Franklin sang with The Eurythmics “ …we’re coming out of the kitchen… Sisters are doin’ it for themeselves…”, because it was ages she had been fighting for women’s rights and what a better partner she could have had than Annie Lennox, so androgynous, but so charming. Both more beautiful, more indipendent, freer and stronger than before. Īnd her friend Tina Turner, a little older, was experimenting a new sound, that drove her away from Ike and launched her as an 80s pop music icon. We thought The Wham were really good, The Bangles and The Bananarama were the new exponents of pop rock, a little melodic and a little messy.Īlthough Madonna couldn’t sing, nor dance, we were thrilled to watch her concerts on tv, and she set an example for all female singers of the future.Ĭher was from the 70s, but when she made that video on the army ship, singing “ If I could turn back time” she made a splash, at the venerable age of 43. We witnessed the incredible spread of discos: not dance halls, not clubs, but rather huge spaces expressly dedicated to dancing and entertainment till the early hours of the morning. We got crazy for foxy smoochy melodies, as well as sounds so danceable to make everyone move even in the street. No, we used to listen to that junk, rhythmic and easy sounds, for basic brains. We built our musical tastes on them, musical tastes that everyone put down: we didn’t have the refined taste of rock purists, blues or soul lovers.

la musica anni 80

We used to listen only to them, like music had no past before them. Michael Jackson was already famous, but in the 80s he reached the top of his success, as a soloist. Michael Jackson, Madonna, The Duran Duran, George Michael, Prince, Whitney Houston… It’s true there had been great singers before: the Beatles, Bob Dylan and many others, but in the 80s this phenomenon got bigger and bigger


Being a star, that was only for the movie actors just before, now it was also for international singers. Stars, yes, because this is what they became. In short, the only reason to listen to that. Those who created Pop, pop music, those who shared it all over the world and gave it such a strong meaning, that it sounded immediately like it was the leading genre of the light music. We grew up with cookies and… 80s music stars. We grew up with bread and… no, not bread, because we were too young, we were born from 70-75, more or less, onwards. Nella consapevolezza dell'impossibilità di accontentare tutti.Sorry, but we have every right to consider ours those 80s, so offended, so denigrated, still today. Non in ordine di bellezza e nemmeno di importanza. Quelle che trovate nella nostra lista sono canzoni che hanno in comune bellezza e fama: cento classici che hanno lasciato il segno.Ībbiamo scelto le canzoni viaggiando lungo le decadi tra i generi musicali e le abbiamo messe in fila. Questi brani sono stati e sono la colonna sonora del nostro tempo, dagli anni Cinquanta ad oggi.

La musica anni 80